What is Kambo?
Kambo is rapidly gaining recognition for being an incredibly effective natural treatment for optimizing the immune system, detoxifying the body, and clearing the haze of negative thoughts that can sometimes obscure the path.
The source of Kambo is a waxy secretion of Phillomedusa Bicolor - a canopy dwelling tree frog who lives in the upper Amazonian rainforests. Kambo is referred to by the indigenous peoples there as "the vaccine of the forest" for its ability to heal a wide range of illnesses covering all aspects of the human condition. It works swiftly to remove negative physical, mental, or emotional blockages that keep us from living the healthy, peaceful, and balanced life that is our birthright.
The Kambo experience is like a rebirth - a step outside the comfort zone to reveal a new understanding of self, a deeper sense of well-being, and the clarity to see the changes we must make to thrive in this challenging world.
Benefits of Kambo:
Empowered Immune System ◦ Enhanced mood ◦ Alertness and Energy ◦ Mental Clarity ◦ Detoxification ◦ Regulation of Blood Pressure ◦ Resistance to Stress and Negativity ◦ Hormone Balance ◦ Analgesis/Pain killer ◦ Increased stamina ◦ Antiviral ◦ Antibiotic ◦ Anticancer ◦ Antimicrobial ◦ Antifungal ◦ Antidepressant ◦ Antioxidant ◦ Restores Nervous System Function ◦ Aids in Releasing Physical and Emotional trauma
Whereas a lot of other holistic therapies out there struggle to find common ground with the scientific community, Kambo has been the subject of nearly three decades of medical research. Researchers believe that Kambo will open up a new world of treatments for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Cancer, HIV, HPV, Espstein Barr, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, Lymes, Alzheimer’s, Viral and Bacterial Infections, Depression, Vascular problems, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Addictions and much more.
Kambo is rapidly gaining recognition for being an incredibly effective natural treatment for optimizing the immune system, detoxifying the body, and clearing the haze of negative thoughts that can sometimes obscure the path.
The source of Kambo is a waxy secretion of Phillomedusa Bicolor - a canopy dwelling tree frog who lives in the upper Amazonian rainforests. Kambo is referred to by the indigenous peoples there as "the vaccine of the forest" for its ability to heal a wide range of illnesses covering all aspects of the human condition. It works swiftly to remove negative physical, mental, or emotional blockages that keep us from living the healthy, peaceful, and balanced life that is our birthright.
The Kambo experience is like a rebirth - a step outside the comfort zone to reveal a new understanding of self, a deeper sense of well-being, and the clarity to see the changes we must make to thrive in this challenging world.
Benefits of Kambo:
Empowered Immune System ◦ Enhanced mood ◦ Alertness and Energy ◦ Mental Clarity ◦ Detoxification ◦ Regulation of Blood Pressure ◦ Resistance to Stress and Negativity ◦ Hormone Balance ◦ Analgesis/Pain killer ◦ Increased stamina ◦ Antiviral ◦ Antibiotic ◦ Anticancer ◦ Antimicrobial ◦ Antifungal ◦ Antidepressant ◦ Antioxidant ◦ Restores Nervous System Function ◦ Aids in Releasing Physical and Emotional trauma
Whereas a lot of other holistic therapies out there struggle to find common ground with the scientific community, Kambo has been the subject of nearly three decades of medical research. Researchers believe that Kambo will open up a new world of treatments for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Cancer, HIV, HPV, Espstein Barr, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, Lymes, Alzheimer’s, Viral and Bacterial Infections, Depression, Vascular problems, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Addictions and much more.
Origins and Traditional Use
The exact origins of Kambo's therapeutic use are somewhat unclear. There are many tribes in the Amazon who each have their own legends about the discovery of Kambo, and many claim credit for its discovery. The most prevalent legend comes from the Kaxinawá tribe of Brazil. As the story goes, the people of the tribe had fallen under a terrible sickness. The village shaman had tried everything in his power to cure them, but nothing seemed to work. Not knowing what else to do, he journeyed to the spirit world with the plant medicine Ayahuasca, hoping the spirits would bring him an answer. Under the effect of the sacred plant medicine, he entered the forest and was greeted by a beautiful forest spirit. In her hands she presented to him a bright green tree frog, from which she collected a milky white secretion and instructed the shaman on how to use it to cure his people of their affliction.
Returning from the forest, he called upon his people and began administering this new medicine according to the guidelines he had received by his mystical ally. Low and behold, his people began to heal! The secretion became known as Kambo and its usage spread, and for thousands of years has been used as medicine by the Kaxinawá, Amahuaca, Katukina, Kulina, Yawanawá, Matses, Marubo and Mayoruna tribes. It is still used widely amongst indigenous people in the Amazon to this day although the rituals vary from tribe to tribe.
Traditionally, Kambo is used for 3 primary purposes. Firstly for treating physical conditions such as infections, viruses, diseases, etc. Secondly, it is used as a "hunting medicine". Hunters would take it before going into the jungle for its performance enhancing properties. Lastly, Kambo would be used to treat a condition called "panema", which is a generally understood as bad luck, or negative energy.
The exact origins of Kambo's therapeutic use are somewhat unclear. There are many tribes in the Amazon who each have their own legends about the discovery of Kambo, and many claim credit for its discovery. The most prevalent legend comes from the Kaxinawá tribe of Brazil. As the story goes, the people of the tribe had fallen under a terrible sickness. The village shaman had tried everything in his power to cure them, but nothing seemed to work. Not knowing what else to do, he journeyed to the spirit world with the plant medicine Ayahuasca, hoping the spirits would bring him an answer. Under the effect of the sacred plant medicine, he entered the forest and was greeted by a beautiful forest spirit. In her hands she presented to him a bright green tree frog, from which she collected a milky white secretion and instructed the shaman on how to use it to cure his people of their affliction.
Returning from the forest, he called upon his people and began administering this new medicine according to the guidelines he had received by his mystical ally. Low and behold, his people began to heal! The secretion became known as Kambo and its usage spread, and for thousands of years has been used as medicine by the Kaxinawá, Amahuaca, Katukina, Kulina, Yawanawá, Matses, Marubo and Mayoruna tribes. It is still used widely amongst indigenous people in the Amazon to this day although the rituals vary from tribe to tribe.
Traditionally, Kambo is used for 3 primary purposes. Firstly for treating physical conditions such as infections, viruses, diseases, etc. Secondly, it is used as a "hunting medicine". Hunters would take it before going into the jungle for its performance enhancing properties. Lastly, Kambo would be used to treat a condition called "panema", which is a generally understood as bad luck, or negative energy.
Kambo Chemistry
Scientist Vittorio Erspamer of the University of Rome, a nominee for the Nobel prize, wrote that the Kambo secretion contains a “fantastic chemical cocktail with potential medical applications, unequaled by any other amphibian." Kambo has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, which means it can penetrate deep into the cells and where it can draw out toxins and free radicals. Thus far, researchers have discovered nine main peptides (a short chain of amino acids), some of which are bio-active – meaning that they perform specific functions in the body. The 9 main peptides in Kambo are as follows:
Scientist Vittorio Erspamer of the University of Rome, a nominee for the Nobel prize, wrote that the Kambo secretion contains a “fantastic chemical cocktail with potential medical applications, unequaled by any other amphibian." Kambo has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, which means it can penetrate deep into the cells and where it can draw out toxins and free radicals. Thus far, researchers have discovered nine main peptides (a short chain of amino acids), some of which are bio-active – meaning that they perform specific functions in the body. The 9 main peptides in Kambo are as follows:
- Bradykinins (phyllokinin) : Long lasting reduction in blood pressure.
- Tachykinins (phyllomedusin) : Vasodilator, produces gastric secretions, affects salivary glands, tear ducts, and bowels.
- Cerulean : Reduces blood pressure, potent analgesic, modifies satiety, sedation, and thermoregulation.
- Dermaseptin : Potent antimicrobial activity against bacteria, yeast, fungi, protozoa, and opportunistic infections such as AIDS
- Tryptophyllins : Somewhat obscure, but recently found to be highly effective in treating candida.
- Dermorphins : Potent opiate-like activity which have potent analgesic effects 30-40% more potent than Morphine. May affect pituitary hormone release and pulmonary ventilation.
- Deltorphins : Has a higher affinity and selectivity for delta opioid binding sites than any known natural compound.
- Bombesins : Neuropeptides that are active in the central and peripheral nervous systems.
- Andenoregulin : A 33 amino acid peptide that interacts with the adenosine receptor, a fundamental component in all human cell fuel and has shown to be very effective in killing cancer cells.